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October 21, 2019 Drowning High Five Memes

Drowning high five memes use the image of a person given a high 5 and left to drown to symbolize a variety of unhelpful scenarios and unaddressed societal problems.

I Am Speed Memes

“I am speed” is a quote from Lightning McQueen in the movie Cars used to depict funny situations in which things are done unnaturally fast.

October 18, 2019 ‘We Live In A Society’ Memes

The phrase “we live in a society” has been used in a variety of memes and jokes online and off and has recently resurged in reference to the 2019 film Joker.


What is Gang Weed?

Gang Weed is a Facebook page known for intentionally cringey memes and image macros advocating for gamer rights and often featuring DC Comics supervillain Joker.

A History of Le Monke Memes

Le monke memes started as an image of an orangutan edited to have human eyes and lips. Initially posted to 4chan in 2016, the meme-ified photo spread throughout social media before going viral on TikTok in September of 2019.

October 16, 2019 Google vs. Bing Memes

In addition to making fun of Bing’s unpopularity, Google vs. Bing memes point out the sometimes dramatic differences in the content featured on the two search engines.

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