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Liz Sommer

Liz Sommer is a recent graduate of Pitzer College, where she majored in media studies. As she’s somewhere between the end of adolescence and the beginning of full-on-adulthood, she’s working to bridge the gap between tweens, teens, teachers, parents, and grandparents when it comes to digital media and pop culture. She currently lives in Los Angeles. Contact her at [email protected]

Plandemic Conspiracy Theory & Documentary

The phrase “plandemic” is used by conspiracy theorists who perpetuate the idea that COVID-19 was intentionally created and/or spread by those in power. A documentary named The Plandemic was removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines.

Cottagecore Essentials: Gift, Style & Activity Guide

The cottagecore aesthetic and lifestyle is inspired by idyllic country life. Enjoy a bit of cottagecore no matter if you live in an actual cottage or studio apartment, with the tools and essentials featured in this cottagecore style guide. 

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