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#TikTokDIY on TikTok

#TikTokDIY is the perfect hashtag to watch if you are stuck at home and bored, the supplies for these “Do it yourself” projects are easy to find and the instructions are even easier to follow.

#EverydayScience on TikTok

#EverydayScience has TikTokers conducting their own experiments while they show off their scientific knowledge on a wide range of topics.

#PetVlog on TikTok

TikTokers are recording #PetVlog moments to show off their furry friends in creative ways.

“How’s My Form?” Trend On TikTok

“How’s My Form?” videos are growing on TikTok. The trend consists of creators poking fun at parents and other creators. These videos often lean on stereotypes and biases to make the joke.

#420FromHome on Twitter

As statewide quarantines prolong, people are celebrating #420FromHome to avoid any risk of being affected by the Coronavirus.

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