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Liz Sommer

Liz Sommer is a recent graduate of Pitzer College, where she majored in media studies. As she’s somewhere between the end of adolescence and the beginning of full-on-adulthood, she’s working to bridge the gap between tweens, teens, teachers, parents, and grandparents when it comes to digital media and pop culture. She currently lives in Los Angeles. Contact her at [email protected]


“Blocka” or a “Blocker” is slang for a gun or gunshot.

August 14, 2018
kek + top kek

Kek or top kek can be a way to say “LOL,” and a reference to a semi-ironic far Right ideology.

Go Viral

When something goes viral, it means that it spreads far and wide on the internet – like a virus.

Snapchat App Guide

Snapchat is a popular photo-sharing and messaging app for teens. It’s mainly used to send photos and images to friends, which disappear after a few seconds.


S**tposting means to post frivolous, random, unnecessary, or idiotic content online.


Phishing is an internet scam in which emails are sent out from someone posing as a reputable institution, but is actually tricking people into sharing private information.

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