The Brief: In preparation for April Fools' Day, we've gathered up the best memes and jokes related to the holiday of pranks and shenanigans.


The beginning of April and April Fools’ Day 2019 are right around the corner. Beware of fake engagement announcements, product releases and movie trailers that you see on April 1st. Also, watch out for salt in the sugar bowl and absurdly sliced bagels

Just remember that April Fools’ Day is not an excuse to be a jerk.

April Fools Memes And Jokes 2019


April is coming from r/dankmemes


The best pranks come after weeks of preparation. Here’s a sneak peek into some of the pranks and surprises people are planning online.

How to fake a balloon prank this April Fools’ Day from r/funny

Spreddit from r/PewdiepieSubmissions

A call for BTS fans to replace their Twitter profile pictures with images of the recently unveiled BTS dolls:

Do not try this at home:

This year, Microsoft sent out a memo to all of its teams, telling them not to do any public April Fools pranks:

Be sure to have some fun this April Fools’ day. Tell some jokes, play some safe pranks, share some dank memes, or watch a funny movie. We hope you’ll ROTFL or at least LOL. And, for more laughs, check out our meme roundup for the month of April.