The Brief: March 8th, 2019 marks International Women's Day, a day for global celebration and call to action to push for gender equality. How will you be celebrating?


In 1911, the premier IWD gatherings occurred, a series of rallies with over a million attendees strong who wanted to end discrimination against women by allowing them to work, vote and hold public office.

In 1975, the United Nations began celebrating IWD and has since become its primary sponsor.

In 2019, people are gathering around the world to celebrate the remarkable achievements of women as well as continuing their push for a “future in which both men and women are equal in professional status, media perception, and the positions the hold in government and more”.

Happy International Women’s Day, to all and to all, a good fight. Regardless of who you are, where you live, what you do, and how you identify, International Women’s Day, or IWD, is a day that should not and cannot go unrecognized. It’s easy to feel insignificant within a movement, but there are steps and actions, small and big, YOU can take to show your support.

Watch Captain Marvel this Weekend

Believe it or not, it has been fourteen years since Marvel Comics had a female superhero LEAD her own movie. Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larsen, opens in theaters today. The film, which was deliberately planned to coincide with International Women’s Day, has been associated with terms like “girl power” and “her-story”, so much so that it’s tagline reads, “Everything begins with a (her)o.”

Supporting a film’s opening box office weekend is a big deal, especially with films written by, directed by, and starring women. Show artists and filmmakers that women’s stories matter.

Support Female-Owned and Operated Businesses

Trade in that daily trip to Starbucks for a visit to the local female-run coffee shop. Even more important – check in and give a social media shoutout.

Do not be fooled by advertisers! Businesses have been known to market deals towards female customers, in honor of International Women’s Day, but many of them are simply looking to capitalize on a deal. IWD is an opportunity to raise awareness, not link your product or service to a cause that clearly has nothing to do with women’s rights or gender equality.

Acknowledge the Important Women in Your Life

Call your mom. Email your grandmother. DM your fam. Text your bae. Tell the women in your life that they matter, that you’re thinking about them, and that you appreciate them.

Spread Awareness and Push for Action

Earlier this week, we shared some of the Best International Women’s Day Memes. Share them!

Create more memes, Tweet your favorite and most inspirational quotes from women, attend a rally, tell a story, post a picture, donate to a women’s rights organization, writer a letter to Congress… the list goes on and on. Your voice does matter, so use it.
