The Brief: On Twitter, #BlueMAGA refers to conservative Democrats that act similarly to MAGA supporters in their pursuit of a Democratic agenda in the 2020 presidential race.


#BlueMAGA is a Twitter term. It refers to conservative Democrats that act similarly to MAGA supporters — contradictory statements and oversight of important issues like sexual assault — in their pursuit of a Democratic agenda in the 2020 presidential race.

The hashtag began trending on Twitter on April 30, the same day #FireChrisHayes began trending on Twitter. Hayes, a host at  MSNBC, was the first ever first prime-time host on the network to cover a former aide’s sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to The Hill. This resulted in backlash from some of the left.

At that time, many Twitter users began a dialogue about the contradictory statements and oversight some liberals were taking when discussing Biden, the sexual assault allegations, and the upcoming election, while using the hashtag #BlueMAGA.

#MAGA is an acronym for President Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”