The Brief: These memes, used to mock one's lack of subtlety, feature The Spy, a character class from the popular video game, Team Fortress 2. 


In the video game, Team Fortress 2, The Spy has the power of disguising themselves as other members of the other team. They can also kill enemies with one hit if they manage to sneak behind them and stab them in the back (talk about literal “backstabbing”).

Memes featuring the Spy often roast people for their lack of subtlety or sneakiness, skills a spy would stereotypically possess.

SPAH AROUND HERE from dankmemes

Here’s a little lesson in trickery from dankmemes

Really who reads BuzzFeed from dankmemes

This new take on Boys/Girls Sleepover memes: 

This is my third time trying to upload this meme from dankmemes

Links to Storm Area 51:

They’re probably looking at this right now from dankmemes

They’re gonna be prepared from dankmemes

A Me Explaining meme crossover: