The Brief: This meme format combines a cutesy emoji, fingers pointing together "I'm shy" symbol, and the phrase "is for me?" for jokes about imperialism.


“is for me?” memes juxtapose a cute question with the harsh realities of colonialism and attempts at world domination. Image macros include a cutesy and shy-looking emoji, the two hands pointed together “I’m shy” symbol, and the phrase “is for me?” to suggest that someone is tentatively asking if something is theirs, perhaps even while using a baby voice. The captions of these memes typically describe scenarios in which someone is about to claim control over a large piece of land, start a war, or otherwise invade an area. They also may portray someone trying to claim ownership of someone else through war, assault, or other violent means.

“πŸ₯Ί πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆis for me? ” memes grew in popularity on the Dank Memes subredditΒ in August 2020. They often illustrate historical instances of colonialism and violence.

It’s time for colonies from dankmemes

no not for you from dankmemes

mine mine mine from dankmemes

time to conquer asia from dankmemes

Hades was atleast loyal except the whole stalking part from dankmemes