The Brief: Helo fish memes feature a close-up photo of an orange fish with the caption "helo."


Popular on Reddit in January 2019, helo fish memes pair a close-up photo of an orange Picasso Triggerfish with the caption “helo.” These memes often portray scenarios in which someone asks an invasive question. The way the fish appears to be moving forward as if it’s invading the personal space of the viewer contributes to the way the fish is often portrayed as giving an unsolicited “helo” or asking an extremely personal question to a stranger.

According to Know Your Meme, the image of the helo fish was first posted by marine biologist @jacintashackleton on Instagram in December 2019. The image then spread as an image macro meme on Snapchat, Instagram, iFunny, Reddit, and beyond, often paired with the captions “helo” or “do you fart?”

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