The Brief: "Fitness is my passion" memes feature non-traditional ways to work out and get in shape.


These memes typically present situations in which someone deludes themself into thinking that exercising or being healthy when they’re really not. “Fitness is my passion” memes, which are particularly popular on Reddit, usually feature image macros of either a chubby kid by a pool, a digital rendition of a woman in sportswear, or the surreal meme man.

Fitness Is My Passion

These memes use an image of a chubby boy posing next to a swimming pool and a close-up of his face to present situations in which someone is doing the bare minimum or less of what could be considered “fitness,” while saying “fitness is my passion.”

beating matt burns a lot of calories from dankmemes

fitness is my passion from dankmemes

Fitness Isn’t Just A Hobby, It’s A Lifestyle

This version of the meme echoes luxury gym Equinox’s slogan “it’s not fitness, it’s life” with the phrase “fitness isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.” A cartoonish image of a woman wearing athleisurewear with her hands on her hips accompanies the phrase, to show just how “serious” someone is about fitness.

Fitness is my passion from meme

Fitness is my passion from memes

Surreal Meme Man: Strengt & Helth

The Surreal Meme Man has been the star of memes where someone fails with confidence. In this fitness is passion memes, he is seen saying phrases such as “strengt,” “helth,” “celed,” and “sprot” to represent his (lack of) fitness and wellness prowess.

fitness is my passion from dankmemes

Fitness is my passion from dankmemes

Fitness is my passion from memes

Fitness is my passion from memes