The Brief: The words "Big Chungus," usually paired with a chubby version of Bugs Bunny is a popular meme with a convoluted backstory.


Big Chungus, arguably the biggest meme of 2019 so far, rose to popularity on Reddit. It has since spread across the web, becoming a pop culture reference and running internet joke.

The image associated with Big Chungus comes from a Looney Tunes episode in which Bugs Bunny puffs himself up to mock Elmer Fudd, who had been chasing him. The word “chungus” was first coined by the video game journalist Jim Sterling who said that:

“Is said to mean anything and everything. Including but not limited to a chunky anus.”

Video Game

In December 2018, Reddit user GaryTheTaco posted a photoshopped image that included a chubby Bugs Bunny on the front of a PS4 game called Big Chungus. A week later, a Gamestop manager posted on Facebook about a woman who had come into his store and unknowingly requested this made-up game for her son. This post went viral and the Big Chungus meme took off. Many versions of this meme are photoshopped covers for various sequel video games to the fictional “Big Chungus.”

The term big chungus has been more widely used to refer to chonky rabbits.

Nothing is true, everything is Chungus from r/dankmemes

Truly inspiring art from r/dankmemes

New chungus live action from r/dankmemes

Big Chungus may just be god from r/dankmemes

Everyone is here! from r/dankmemes

It wouldn’t even be close from r/dankmemes

Big Chungus from r/comedyheaven

Big Chungus will never be in Smash 😰 from r/dankmemes

It has the best gameplay of all time in videogame history from r/dankmemes

Can’t wait for Big Chungus II from r/DeepFriedMemes

YouTube Sicko Mode Remix

YouTubers Kadz and Mr. Rock composed a remix of Travis Scott‘s song Sicko Mode featuring Drake from his album Astroworld. This version of the song takes some of the beats and melody from Sicko Mode and incorporates audio and video from the original Looney Tunes clip from which the Big Chungus image originated.