The Brief: Where y'all sitting Twitter memes invite people to choose where they'd sit in the school cafeteria if certain people or things were seated at the tables.


The people of Twiter are asking each other where they’d sit at lunch with the “where y’all sitting” meme format. In these memes, people ask their followers to choose where they’d sit in the school cafeteria if certain people or things were seated at each table. A reference to the tendency for high school cafeterias to stratify people by cliques, this meme presents a range of cliques or groupings to choose from.

This meme started on stan Twitter where it took off and spread far beyond, with dozens if not hundreds of permutations. One reason this meme has been so quick to go viral is that it’s fun to reply to each tweet to discuss where you’d sit and why.

Somewhat Mean Girls-esque, “Where y’all sitting” memes present hypothetical cliques and invite people to choose between everything from celebrities to TV shows to music albums to abstract concepts.

Where Y’all Sitting Memes

The makers of Hot Ones posted their own version of the meme in which Gordon Ramsay is sitting all by himself:

Celebrities seated based on their zodiac signs:

A wholesome PBS meme:

Stan Twitter is all over these memes. KPOP stans, in particular, have been posting a range of memes with this format.

Ryan Gosling movies:



If you’d like to photoshop your own variation of the “Where y’all sitting” meme, here’s the template from