The Brief: In the wake of the "Instagram meme purge of July 2019," a new genre of Reddit memes has emerged to confuse Instagram normies who may have recently turned to Reddit for a source of memes.


This week, Instagram banned over 50 meme accounts with high numbers of followers, citing violations of their terms of service as the reason. In reaction to this news, many meme-makers on Reddit have speculated that these accounts’ former followers will come to Reddit as a new meme source. Thus, Reddit users have been creating anti-Instagram normie memes to deter former Instagram users from joining their meme communities.

Many of such memes crop important parts out of popular image macro meme formats so that they would be confusing to someone not already familiar with the format. Other memes make jokes and statements about Instagram normies fleeing to Instagram since the meme purge. Frequent emoji use is a stereotypical trait of Instagram users that Redditors have been dragging them for.

These memes are particularly popular on the Dank Memes subreddit. As there’s been no documentation of the number of Instagram users seeking refuge in Reddit’s meme communities, it’s likely that these memes are more of a fun way for Redditors to dunk on Instagrammers than a serious statement about who should be allowed on meme subreddits.

Reddit’s Instagram Normie-proof Memes

“Well boys, we did it.”

say no to normies from dankmemes

Separation of the classes from dankmemes

“It’s quiet…too quiet.”

I CANT BREATHE from dankmemes

WHy cAnt I dOUblE TAp from memes

Choose wisely from memes

An Instagram Normie-proof expanding brain meme:

Yeah, this is big brain time from dankmemes

Lisa Simpson presents a solid point…

Somethin ain’t right from dankmemes

“Say sike right now”

Normies… from dankmemes

normie spotted from dankmemes