The Brief: In chess vs. in real life memes note how chess pieces are unlike their IRL counterparts.


In chess vs. in real life memes compare and contrast chess pieces and the real-life things they’re based on. These chess pieces memes put the two things side by side to highlight how the chess pieces aren’t 100% realistic. These include knights vs. horses, kings vs. actual kings, queens vs. actual queens, rooks vs. castles, pawns vs. peasants or footsoldiers, and bishops vs. actual bishops.

These memes, which are particularly popular on the r/Memes and r/DankMemes subreddits often illustrate what a horse, king, queen, etc. does in chess by adding flair to the real-life versions of those things.

Jumpy boi from memes

Haha rook go zoooom from dankmemes

*not another chess meme I swear* from dankmemes

gonna snipe that pawn from dankmemes

Another chess meme… from dankmemes

Some of these memes draw upon images from Monty Python and other films for depictions of things acting like the chess-piece version of themselves.

remember only in a straight line from dankmemes

Baby legs… here we go!! from dankmemes

Hey look a Chess meme! from dankmemes

I guess we’re making chess memes now from dankmemes

A reference to jokes about Queen Elizabeth II being immortal:

Long Live The Queen from dankmemes

Another Chess Meme from memes