The Brief: Super Duper Missile memes reference the weapon that Donald Trump mentioned in an announcement about the new Space Force.


On May 15, 2020, President Donald Trump unveiled the official flag of the new military branch the Space Force, and announced a new weapon which he called the “Super Duper Missile.” Soon after, Super Duper Missile memes ensued and the phrase started trending on Twitter. The name choice echoes “Operation Warp Speed,” which is the name Trump recently gave for a program to develop a Coronavirus vaccine.

Many #SuperDuperMissile memes poke fun at the name of this weapon, which sounds like something a child might name their favorite toy. Other memes hone in on Trump’s other problematic behaviors related to the Space Force, his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.

This distracted boyfriend meme also references a Trumpism from earlier this week: Obamagate.