The Brief: A new meme satirizes TSA agents' reaction to water in airports.


The Airport Security VS Water meme features iterations of TSA agents comedically over-reacting to the presence of water in airports. It is a spoof on the actual law prohibiting travelers from bringing water bottles through security checkpoints.

In the meme, security agents view any type of water (not just personal water bottles) as a serious threat to safety. They react as if water were a stand-in for guns or acts of terrorism.

The meme was first made popular on Reddit.

Must get rid of toilets then from dankmemes

Just don’t put air on the plane from dankmemes

Oooof from dankmemes

One popular version of the meme is a throwback to Minecraft:

Play with some command from dankmemes

And, of course, there is a mashup with Karen took the kids.

Just took ’em from me from dankmemes