The Brief: The "You dropped this πŸ‘‘" comment on social media refers to the intended recipient as a king or queen after they've done something sweet, heroic, legendary, or iconic online.


The comment “You dropped this” followed by a crown emoji is a response to a legendary, sweet, heroic, or iconic moment on social media. That moment can alsoΒ  include clapbacks, expository threads, or other amusing memes. The comment refers to the intended recipient as a king or queen.

This sort of comment is very popular on social media, as of June 2020. It’s unclear when it first began growing in popularity. The earliest Urban Dictionary entry mentioning it is from April 2020.

Twitter user @AmberRoseCavaz1 responded to a video of a TikToker calling out her racist classmates with “I think you dropped this πŸ‘‘.”