The Brief: An "uwu translator" is a person or computer program that translates regular text into the made-up, cutsey internet language known as UwU.


The so-called “uwu translator”  is a tool that “uwuizes” any text. The idea behind this phenomenon is a meme-based joke about making text and speech extra cutesy or uwu-ified. The subreddit r/uwutranslator is an online community with over 12,000 members that translates text from English into uwu based on both bot and human translations. These translations mostly consist of words where some consonants have been replaced with W’s, creating language reminiscent of “baby talk.” A Reddit user u/uwutranslator has received over 370,000 karma points for translating posts into “uwu.”

UwU is a style of writing online or via text that includes frequent use of “uwu,” “owo,” and “rawr XD.” “uwu,” “owo,” and “XD” are ways of typing smiley face emoticons. “Rawr” is “I love you” in dinosaur (the language of dinosaurs).

This particular stylization is associated with “uwu culture,” a mostly online culture known for its over-the-top cute vibes and associations with K-pop and other stan cultures. UWU language is often used ironically, to be intentionally cringey as may be the case with many uwu translator users. 

For a look into what an uwu translator does to uwu-ize text, we’ve translated this definition into uwu via this LingoJam translator:

The so-cawwed “uwu twanswatow” iws a toow thawt “uwuizes” any text. The idea behind thiws phenomenon iws a meme-based joke abouwt making text awnd speech extwa cutesy ow uwu-ified. The subweddit w/uwutwanswatow iws an onwine community with ovew 12,000 membews thawt twanswates text fwom engwish intwo uwu based own both bot awnd human twanswations. These twanswations mostwy consist of wowds whewe sowme consonants have bewn wepwaced with w’s, cweating wanguage weminiscent of “baby tawk.” A weddit usew u/uwutwanswatow has weceived ovew 370,000 kawma points fow twanswating posts intwo “uwu.”

uwu iws a stywe of wwiting onwine ow via text thawt incwudes fwequent use of “uwu,” “owo,” awnd “waww xd.” “uwu,” “owo,” awnd “xd” awe ways of typing smiwey face emoticons. “waww” iws “i wove uwu” in dinosauw (the wanguage of dinosauws).

thiws pawticuwaw stywization iws associated with “uwu cuwtuwe,” a mostwy onwine cuwtuwe known fow its ovew-the-top cute vibes awnd associations with k-pop awnd othew stan cuwtuwes. Uwu wanguage iws often used iwonicawwy, tuwu be intentionawwy cwingey as may be the case with many uwu twanswatow usews.