
The video is quite explicit and NSFW. The song lyrics are mostly about sex and the video features some sex-doll-like, mostly naked women.

The Brief: Kanye West and Lil Pump released a bizarre, NSFW music video, inspiring many memes.


What the what?

Kanye West and Lil Pump debuted their music video for their collaboration “I Love It,” featuring comedian Adele Givens and produced by Spike Jonez. It seems to have been created with the memes it would inevitably inspire in mind. The video premiered at the first-ever PornHub Awards, for which Kanye was the creative director.


Lil Pump reposted @valid_like_the_dream‘s parody imitation video on Instagram, encouraging fans to make their own versions, using the hashtag #ILoveItChallenge.

SNL Rendition

On the September 29 season premiere of SNL, ye and Lil Pump performed a clean version of “I Love It.” They dressed as giant bottles of Perrier and Fiji Water, perhaps a reference Kanye’s line in the song:

When the first time they ask you if you want sparklin’ or still?
Why you tryna act like you was drinkin’ sparklin’ water ‘fore you came out here?


Memes Galore

The goofy costumes, paired with the simple and overtly sexual lyrics over a deep, repetitive baseline make the “I Love It” video prime meme material. Many memes note the similarity between the boxy costumes and the video games Roblox and Minecraft, while others poke fun at the general absurdity of the video.


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Halloween Costumes

Kanye’s clothing brand YEEZY SUPPLY sold out versions of the costumes worn by ye and Lil Pump to be shipped in time for Halloween.