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Month: June 2020

Gooba Challenge On TikTok

The #GoobaChallenge on TikTok is a dance consisting of twerking, throwing it back, and crossing arm motions performed to Tekashi 6ix9ine’s “Gooba.”

What Is Retail TikTok?

Retail TikTok is a subgenre within Alt/Elite TikTok where creators depict anthropomorphized brands and retail stores in bizarre videos.

Down South, Hood Baby Trend On TikTok

The “Down South, Hood Baby” TikTok trend calls for creators to stand in a row. They take turns reciting lyrics to KBFR’s “Hood Baby” before looking up, down, and off to the side in unison.

June 23, 2020
The Sides Of TikTok

TikTokers are labeling the various “sides” of TikTok including Straight TikTok and Elite/Alt TikTok to highlight the distinct communities and genres forming within the app.

Fireworks Conspiracy Theory Memes

A rise in the number of fireworks reportedly being set off across the United States has sparked a surge of conspiracy theories and memes about the source of these pyrotechnics.

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